I thought it might be easier for everybody if I cut to the chase and put up as much offensive material from Monnara as I could find. So here are a few more pictures with shocking and offensive captions.

"Most crime in America is committed not by ethnic people (literally 'colored people') but by a social class called 'White Trash'" (page 135)

"Even now [Blacks] can't overcome racism both visible and invisible" (page 182)
Presumably broad stereotypes about speech patterns and bizarre portmanteaus could be considered racist in some form. The asterix next to 'SLACKS' does not, by the way, refer to any part of the text in the book.

(Quoting Samuel Huntington's 2004 book "Who Are We") "The greatest crisis that modern America faces comes from the continually increasing influx of immigrants from Latin America." (wave is labeled "South American immigrants") (page 186)

(Speaking about the problem of unwed teenage mothers) "In particular, young Black girls present an even bigger problem when they have children in their teens"
Mother: If there was no government assistance we'd starve to death." (page 215)
1 comment:
Very anti semitic, and anti everything else about America.
I think I might have some fun with this rubbish.
Except the part about "South America" "(Quoting Samuel Huntington's 2004 book "Who Are We") "The greatest crisis that modern America faces comes from the continually increasing influx of immigrants from Latin America." (wave is labeled "South American immigrants") (page 186)"
I believe they must mean Mexico, and the Illegal Immigration problem. This is one of our biggest plagues on our society, but that's as far as I will venture into their misguided and uninformed propaganda.
Thanks for posting this information and resource.
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