"During my ten years living in Germany I visited concentration camps and I know as well as anybody how much the Jews suffered and how cruel the Nazis' barbarity was."
"I have no bias of any kind against Jews and I have always opposed racism." Starting with the next edition he plans to replace the problem portions.
Pardon me, Mr. Rhie, but that is demonstrably not true. Also, no one called you a Holocaust denier. I think what you learned during your ten years in Germany is classic antisemitic conspiracy theory, plain and simple.
Monnara Iunnara, volume 10 page 240:
Rockefeller was the top American conglomerate. There is ongoing dispute about whether or not he was a Jew but the matter is not clear. But the reason he is mistaken for a Jew is that his enterprise technique was exactly the same as the Jews. His number one business rule was to destroy the competition. He used intrigue, tricks, threat, menace, and naturally he mobilized industrial spies to steal information from his competition. He used bribery, violence, and to top it all he didn't hesitate to sabotage companies. This was cold hearted industrialist who cruelly knocked down the competitors who faced him.
미국 역사상 최대 재벌의 하나였던 록펠러. 그가 유대인이냐 아니냐의 문제는 두고두고 논쟁거리였지만 그가 유대인일라고 뚜렷이 밝혀진 건 아니야. 그러나 그가 유대인으로 오해받는 것은 그의 사업수법이 유대인과 똑같기 때문이야. 그의 경영원칙은 경쟁을 원칙적으로 없애는 것으로 음모, 술수, 공갈, 협박은 물론 산업스파이를 동원하여 상대의 정보를 훔치고 뇌물, 폭력에 심지어 공장 파괴까지 서슴지 않고 그에게 맞서는 경쟁자는 잔혹하게 쓰러뜨린 비정한 사업가였어
Anybody seen the letter itself?
Sorry to say, but what you tried to convey something but it went all above my head.
It is all they didn't hesitate to sabotage companies...
Your blog is really nice to visit. The post you have shared is really awesome. Keep it up.
Rockefeller was the top American conglomerate. There is ongoing dispute about whether or not he was a Jew but the matter is not clear.
This was cold hearted industrialist who cruelly knocked down the competitors who faced him.
There is ongoing dispute about whether or not he was a Jew but the matter is not clear.
Its a very interesting name, Rhie. I hope its a name because i dont wanna make any mistakes because im not this kind of person...
The way of presentation is really impressive.This is the best way of describing something.
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